Man is a machine of nature and not of the digital realm yet our hearts and minds – our elemental environment runs on electrical impulses… Light, sound and odors, for example, are transformed by our sensory organs into a code made of series of electrical impulses that travel along neurons from the body to the brain.

The arrival of VR / AI & AR space – media, systems and mechanisms are transcending the traditional geometric and tacit qualities of how we formerly negotiated reality. Our conventional definitions of space are transforming into a flow through a new scenic virtuality where systems of input are over-riding traditional means of perception. The increasing rush into a digital reality plies attempts to integrate the tacit with the transient, the practical with the poetic or sublime within the realms of code.

Interestingly, as the virtual realms of digital expression attempt to address common aspects of nature (of organic aspects of life on a living planet) our tacit analog means of defining things intrudes.

The intrusion of the organic into the digital remands impedance and challenges digital systems to address the kind of alchemy of beauty and mystery, which define remarkable architecture, design and human invention. Current inroads of “Design Thinking” attempt to scientifically define these seemingly opposing elements falling just short of – ‘the creative spark’.

The digital project in all forms shall continue to be challenged in attempts to bridge the gap of intention and meaning between the innate and intention. The future of architecture in the new digital systems of Machine Thinking and developing methodologies present unknown possibilities as physical reality as the body organic passes into code and thus a new, as of yet intangible conditions of life and living.

We are engaged in a new developing arena of perception that offers amazing new design opportunities. New frameworks for how we define cultural value and identity are redefining public vs. private space – ownership & authorship of ideas and content as human cognition is in transformation. The rate that cognitive input and it’s related content is becoming a “super-subconscious” phenomena of hyper speeds that outrun human perception is modifying structural thought and patterning new design opportunities as lines of meaning mix.

We as architects must keep in mind that the origins of discovery lay in the custodial arms of academic discourse and while this discourse is not solely nested in our academic institutions it is the responsibility of these places of higher learning to embrace this important challenge. Architecture as practice answers to a myriad of detracting political vectors and agenda, which unfortunately, by nature, tend to impede experimentation. Therefore – the charge of academia is to provide critical discoveries of facticity in our developing digital reality and to explore and answer critical issues that foster innovations of hybrid digital-human interface as advanced study in educational domains.


Values in Meaning bridging Meanings of Method

Political –    –        –        –        –        – Personal

Authority –  –        –        –        –        – Validity

Capitalism –         –        –        –        – Valueism

Producing –         –        –        –        – Making

Analyzing –          –        –        –        – Sensing

Science –   –        –        –        –        – Art

Looking –   –        –        –        –        – Seeing

Tasking –   –        –        –        –        – Experiencing

Doing –       –        –        –        –        – Being

Archival –   –        –        –        –        – Referential

Thought –   –        –        –        –        – Creation

Contextual –        –        –        –        – Cultural